Let’s go Tuesday presents us with AUD/USD & GBP/JPY

Hello fellow traders,

Let’s go straight to our charts…




Price on the AUD/USD has spent weeks battling with resistance level 0.70228

Finally, the first candlestick of the week has broken through the current resistance level. If the candlestick closes this way and we have enough confirmation, there is a possibility that price may hit next possible resistance level (0.70962)




Price on the GBP/JPY spent days trying to break through the resistance band.

On the third attempt for price to bounce off support level 135.163 in order to gain enough momentum to break the resistance band 136.176, support level 135.163 failed, and price slipped through.

Presently price has the possibility to revisit the lowest level price once got to at the close of 2018 (132.225), which is roughly over +253 pips


Owkaaaay, we are done for today, join us tomorrow for another analysis.


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