Why is trading psychology rarely talked about in trading?

A lady meditating to improve her trading psychology


To begin with, let’s explore the reasons why trading psychology is often overlooked or downplayed in trading:


1. It’s not as exciting as technical analysis:

Let’s face it, when you think of trading, you’re probably picturing fancy charts, technical indicators, and market analysis.

Trading psychology, on the other hand, seems like a dry and boring topic that doesn’t involve any actual trading.

However, ignoring trading psychology is a big mistake because it can have a significant impact on your trading performance.


2. It’s not as tangible as money:

Traders are primarily focused on making profits and increasing their bottom line.

Trading psychology, on the other hand, deals with emotions, mental states, and behavior, which are not easily quantifiable or visible.

However, ignoring trading psychology can lead to making irrational decisions, which can ultimately result in monetary losses.


3. It’s considered a taboo topic:

Talking about emotions and mental health is often considered a taboo in many cultures, and trading is no exception.

Traders might not want to admit that they struggle with fear, greed, or other emotions that can affect their trading decisions.

However, acknowledging and addressing these emotions is essential for long-term success in trading.


    Now that we’ve explored the reasons why trading psychology is often overlooked let’s dive into the importance of trading psychology in trading:


1. It helps you control your emotions:

Imagine that you have a winning trade that is rapidly turning into a losing one. Your emotions start to kick in, and you feel fear and panic.

Without proper trading psychology, you might be tempted to close the trade prematurely and lock in a loss.

However, if you have learned how to manage your emotions, you will be able to remain calm and stick to your trading plan, even in the face of adversity.

You might decide to move your stop-loss to reduce your risk, or you might decide to let the trade run its course, depending on your trading strategy.


2. It helps you stick to your trading plan:

Let’s say that you have a well-thought-out trading plan that involves taking trades only when specific conditions are met.

However, you notice a trading opportunity that does not meet all your criteria, but you feel tempted to take the trade anyway.

Without proper trading psychology, you might make impulsive trades based on emotions or hunches.

However, if you have learned how to discipline yourself, you will be able to resist the temptation and stick to your plan, even if it means missing out on some opportunities.


3. It helps you manage risk:

Imagine that you are considering taking a high-risk trade that has the potential to yield a significant profit. However, you feel uneasy about the trade and cannot explain why.

Without proper trading psychology, you might make the trade anyway, only to regret it later.

However, if you have learned how to assess risk objectively, you will be able to evaluate the trade based on its merits and decide whether it’s worth taking or not.

You might also decide to adjust your position size or take other risk management measures to protect your capital.


In conclusion:

trading psychology is like the unsung hero of the trading world.

It’s not as flashy as technical analysis, and it doesn’t involve counting stacks of cash. But, just like a superhero’s secret power, it has the ability to make or break a trader’s success.

Without proper trading psychology, traders might fall victim to their emotions, make impulsive decisions, and ultimately lose money.

However, by acknowledging and addressing their emotions, mental states, and behavior, traders can become masters of their own minds and achieve long-term success in the markets.

So, next time you’re tempted to skip over the topic of trading psychology, remember that it’s not just about warm and fuzzy feelings, it’s about cold, hard cash.



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