42nd Trading Week (16th – 20th of October, 2023 trade journal)

My reason for sharing my trade journal is to encourage traders to also keep one for two major reasons:

  1. Track weekly trading performance.
  2. Build a better psychology, which will sharpen your trading intuition

Both can only be done when you keep a comprehensive journal, and review it every week.


TUESDAY 17/10/2023

GBP/JPY (7.05 am)

Analysis: Double rejection candlestick pattern (tweezer tops), nice 200 ma placement and the beginning of a second should formation on the GBP/JPY inspired the sell


GBP/JPY (11.35 am)

Analysis: Tp was hit +92



WEDNESDAY 18/10/2023

USD/JPY (9.45 pm)

Analysis: The buy was inspired by our Thursday market analysis



FRIDAY 20/10/2023

GBP/CHF (8 am)

Analysis: The sell was inspired by our Friday market analysis. I may most likely be holding this trade into next week, if it does not materialize today


USD/JPY (1.47 pm)

Analysis: I closed my USD/JPY trade at breakeven after it exceeded its shelf life



GBP/CHF (10.05 pm)

Analysis: As expected, price pulled back on Friday, so we are holding GBP/CHF into next week. Hopefully the Golden zone will deter the bulls, and the bears will continue their campaign to the south


Trade activity summary for the week

TUE (17/10/2023) GBP/JPY SELL   +92 pips
WED (18/10/2023) USD/JPY BUY  Breakeven
FRI (20/10/2023) GBP/CHF SELL  Pending
TOTAL  + 92 pips

In conclusion:

The GBP/JPY trade made my week. I made a little over +2% ROI, and the great part was that the trade materialized within a couple of hours. USD/JPY went beyond it’s shelf life, and I was glad to exit the trade at breakeven.

In the new week, I will be looking forward to how GBP/CHF plays out.

It was mostly a slow week for me, as there were not too many quality setups in the market, but again, i am thankful it went well.

How did your trading week go?



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