25th trading week (19th – 23rd of June, 2023 trade journal)

My reason for keeping a journal is to encourage traders to also keep one for two major reasons:

  1. Track weekly trading performance.
  2. have enough data, in order to be able to work on their trading technique and psychology

Both can only be done when you keep a comprehensive journal, and review it every week.


MONDAY 19/06/2023

USD/CAD (7.50 am)

Analysis: My reason for selling was inspired from our weekly market analysis



USD/CAD Update (11 am)

Analysis: I trailed from here onwards. Price got few pips close to my tp, then gave a deep pullback which cleared my SL, to give me +13 pips


USD/CAD Re-entry (2..02 pm)

Analysis: Price rejection outside the descending channel, which now serves as a strong resistance zone gives me a bearish confirmation, hence my re-entry


TUESDAY 20/06/2023

USD/CAD Update

Analysis: SL got hit and I lost -51 pips



WEDNESDAY 21/06/2023

CHF/JPY (2am)

Analysis: The was inspired from our Wednesday market analysis


CHF/JPY Update (3 pm)


Analysis: Closed with +74 pips (trailing SL)


AUD/USD (2pm)

Analysis: A breakout below a key support zone was what inspired the sell


AUD/USD Update (6.30 pm)

Analysis: Manually closed with -41 pips



CAD/JPY (9.30 pm)

Analysis: My reason for buying can be seen in our Thursday market analysis


USD/CAD (9.30 PM)

Analysis: My reason for selling can be seen in our Thursday market analysis



FRIDAY 23/06/2023

CAD/JPY Update (11 pm)

Analysis: Closed the CAD/JPY trade with +243 pips. There were 3 positions in total


USD/CAD Update (11:15 pm)

Analysis: I am holding USD/CAD through the weekend. I am still very much bearish. hopefully it plays out next week


Trade activity summary for the week

MON (19/06/2023) USD/CAD SELL + 13 pips
USD/CAD (Re-entry SELL  – 51 pips
WED (21/06/2023) CHF/JPY BUY  + 74 pips
AUD/USD SELL  – 41 pips
CAD/JPY BUY  + 243 pips
TOTAL  + 238 pips

In conclusion:

It was a busy trading week for me, particularly on Wednesday. There were so many great setups to trade and less high impact news, and that’s where I thrive as a swing trader.

My best trade was obviously the CAD/JPY, however I never really expected much from it. I was actually hoping that USD/CAD will drop heavily and give me scaling opportunities, but the opposite happened. 

If there is any lesson to be learnt from this week’s trading, it would be: “Having an open mind when trading the market”

If I was so focused on leveraging on the USD/CAD trade, I would have missed the opportunity CAD/JPY presented. So far, all my weeks in the month of June have been profitable

How did you trading week go?



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